Saturday, May 24, 2014

23 Mobile Things - Thing 21 - Free-for-all

The app I would like to share for this twenty-first Thing is a game called Plague, Inc. I recommend it because it's challenging and fun. It takes some strategy to figure out how to best spread your plague, with your choices leading to success or failure. The app also highlights how much of a threat some of the things you hear about in the news (food-borne illnesses, recalls) can be in a worst case scenario, and what some of the possible vectors are to consider (human or environmental).

In Plague, Inc., you create a plague, starting with bacteria, and moving up through virus and fungus and more severe types, and try to infect all of the humans on the planet and then kill them all off before they can devise a cure. It sounds grim, and does have some kind of scary noises, so it’s probably not for the young or super sensitive, but personally, I love playing this game. Professionally, it might be neat in a health and disease unit in middle or high school, to let students see the development of some scenarios and what impact environmental factors can have on the spreading or control of disease. It does take some time to play, so it would be best if all students had their own devices they could save progress on. You can find it here:

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