It's summer, and every day 10-year-old Jake goes for a walk with his 88-year-old grandfather, whom everyone calls Billy, on the farm where their family lives. They talk to the birds and farm animals, about the past, and visit the ruins of the sod house that Billy grew up in. One day Billy has an idea that Jake isn't sure about, then a mysterious dog shows up, and life begins to change.
Review: This is a short and sweet story of life on the farm in the recent past, of family coming together, and of Jake finding strength in the special connection he shares with Billy. Easy reading, with lots of farming terms.
Subject: Family
IB-PYP Attributes & Attitudes:
- Attributes: inquirer, thinker, caring, risk-taker
- Attitudes: appreciation, commitment, respect
- publisher page about the book, including a link to an interview with MacLachlan
- Publisher-provided sampler!:
- (if that doesn't work, this is the website for the sampler)
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