Sunday, February 16, 2014

Inaugural post! 23 Mobile Things - Thing 1 - Blogging & Registering

I am a library school grad student, working as an assistant in an elementary school library for the first time, and in classes and elsewhere I have felt overwhelmed by all of the options available for incorporating new technologies into education and my life in general. I'm doing this 23 Mobile Things thing as part of a class, but am excited to have a bit of a road map for exploring a variety of web 2.0 technologies and programs. I'm also looking forward to getting a bit more productive use out of my tablet and smartphone, which I have had for a few months and a month respectively, but currently use mostly for Facebook and games. I look forward to exploring and learning about, and hopefully implementing, some new mobile things!


  1. I hope you learn lots of new things about mobile devices during the semester!

  2. Wow, you sound like one busy person! I hope you'll find time to work on the 23 Mobile Things and that you'll find a few apps to make your life a little easier! I'll check back soon. :)
